We found 2 episodes of User Error with the tag “climate change”.
Episode 66: Cross Desktop
May 24th, 2019 | 45 mins 7 secs
climate change, crime, foss, free desktop, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, old vs new, pet hates, poverty, space exploration, web
Linux desktop standards, how the Web has changed over the years, and the ethics of space exploration.
Plus what to do if you see a crime, and the things we hate the most.
Episode 48: Living The Dream
September 14th, 2018 | 45 mins 55 secs
alan pope, climate change, daniel fore, dockless bike share, dream, joe ressington, linux desktop, linux podcast, sleep, travel, user error
User Error is back with a new set of hosts! We answer some #AskError questions and talk about whether the Linux desktop will ever make money.