We found 10 episodes of User Error with the tag “jupiter broadcasting”.
Episode 88: Well, Actually
March 27th, 2020 | 36 mins 40 secs
a cloud guru, askerror, bugs, chalkboard, consistency, developer, distro, fingernails, grimace, gtk, imposter syndrome, jupiter broadcasting, know-it-all, linux, linux academy, performance, photo, photograph, polish, qt, shame, smug, well actually, wince
The details that make a great distro, things that make us wince, smug people online, great photos, imposter syndrome, and more.
Episode 87: AksError
March 13th, 2020 | 36 mins 53 secs
2d, a cloud guru, apps, askerror, communication, crying, emotional, evolution, irc, jupiter broadcasting, language, linux academy, music, paper, pintrest, prinder, reddit, slack, slang, snapchat, songs, telegram, twitter, websites
Apps that make us feel old, emotional songs, using actual paper, evolution of language, IRC channels we never look at, and more.
Episode 86: \o/
February 28th, 2020 | 37 mins 53 secs
a cloud guru, alexa, apple, askerror, drama, ecosystem, emoji, facebook, hoodies, jupiter broadcasting, linux academy, linux desktop, news, playstation, twitter, windows, xbox, zip, zipper
Whether open source needs to be a complete experience, a deep need for conflict, preferred social media, and our favorite emoji.
Episode 85: Name Your Shoes
February 14th, 2020 | 39 mins 37 secs
a cloud guru, askerror, car, change the world, employer, foreign language, forgiveness, innovation, internet, jupiter broadcasting, linux academy, names, open source, permission, shoes, slack, soda stream
Open source at work, learning languages, naming cars, and innovations that haven't appropriately delivered.
Episode 84: Useless Dreams
January 31st, 2020 | 37 mins 24 secs
askerror, bath, bathing, bluetooth, description, dreams, feature complete, gadgets, headphones, jobs, jupiter broadcasting, linux academy, open source, pointless, shower, stories, tech, windows, work
Whether we'd use Windows if it was FOSS, pointless tech that most people want, bathing habits, useless jobs, and annoying popey with dream stories.
Episode 83: No, But
January 17th, 2020 | 40 mins 42 secs
app, askerror, conference, context switching, cringe, doppelganger, dumb, errorask, improv, jupiter broadcasting, life, linux academy, lookalike, yes and, yo
Context switching, improving Linux conferences, a positive approach to life, what makes us cringe, and more.
Episode 82: OK Then
January 3rd, 2020 | 41 mins 1 sec
anger, apps, argument, askerror, blame, browser, common sense, css, family, git, good idea, html, instagram, jupiter broadcasting, law, life hack, linux academy, ml, phone, pull request, safari, snapchat, web
Whether the Web is yesterday’s news, a possible new approach to law and order, resolving conflicts, and some surprisingly useful life hacks.
Episode 81: Larry Two-tails
December 20th, 2019 | 39 mins 37 secs
android, askerror, china, chromium, collaboration, cooking, development, drawing, eggs, jupiter broadcasting, linux academy, open source, painting, peertube, skill, talent, tiktok, webkit, youtube
The future of Internet video, the best way to develop open source software, skills vs talents, and our favourite types of animal companions.
Episode 80: Imaginary Turkey
December 6th, 2019 | 36 mins 59 secs
airbnb, askerror, bargain, beer, christmas, cider, cooking, flat, gig economy, holidays, jupiter broadcasting, linux academy, password, security, thanksgiving, turkey, uber, warm
Talking to ourselves, delicious family meals, and the complexities of modern work.
Episode 79: Is Vegan TV Art?
November 22nd, 2019 | 39 mins 28 secs
art, askerror, coffee, dban, dd, forgiveness, foss, hard drive, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux academy, queen, security, ssd, technology, tv, vegan
Disposing of hard drives, what a TV really is, and the veganism of software.