We found 10 episodes of User Error with the tag “jupiter broadcasting”.
Episode 58: Stranger Distro Danger
February 1st, 2019 | 41 mins 3 secs
children, choice, distros, e-waste, foss, independence, jupiter broadcasting, latch key, linux podcast, sustainability
New JB team member Ell joins us to discuss e-waste, the motivations for our distro choices, and letting children out of your sight.
Episode 57: Free To Succeed?
January 18th, 2019 | 41 mins 47 secs
books, cd, dvd, foss, free will, hoarding, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, mobile, netflix, seasons, summer, winter
Is the decision to listen to this really up to you, or is it predetermined by chemistry and physics? Can mobile Linux ever succeed beyond a small niche?